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기술 클래스


Application Rules

Research Paper
  • Choose a topic that addresses environmental problems related to non-renewable resources; human contribution to global warming; the use of renewable natural resources; the impact of environmental issues on human health and wildlife; and more. 

  • Please submit along with your work the description paper of your project. If submitting as a team, every team member must be named on the description paper. 

  • The recommended page limit for the research paper is less than 15 pages. Title and References pages are not included within the page limit. 

  • Submissions should be on A4-sized paper with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins on each side. Research papers must be double-spaced, in 12-point type, using Times New Roman fonts. Any exceptions are not allowed. 

  • Research papers should include project results.

  • Your project file name must be in English and should be less than 25 characters. Research papers must be submitted in PDF format less than 5MB in size.

  • Size: Robot must fit within a 25-inch cube (Width: in Height: 25 in Length: 25). The robot may change its size during the game but initial size must follow the requirement.

  • The number of motors: Teams are allowed to use up to 8 DC motors and servo motors without limitations. There is also no limit for the motor controllers.

  • Power: Robots must use up to 12 V for each power item and it has to be provided with batteries. Teams are not allowed to use external power.

  • Software: Any programming language is allowed to control robots.

  • Driving Robot: Robot will utilize in tele-op modes. Only wireless communication is allowed in tele-op modes.

Judging Criteria

  • A science project can be prepared and submitted by up to four students.

  • Research Paper: Does the paper address environmental problems, objectives, the results and discussions with graphics and charts? Organization of the paper should flow coherently and be logical. 

  • Literature Review: Students should be aware of theories and possible approaches regarding the project. Students should also be familiar with the scientific context in literature in which the work was done. Creativity of the solution is also marked within the criteria.

  • Data Management: Number of data points must be significant enough to draw a conclusion and should also show strategies and effort. Students will be assessed on the record of research conducted in hard or soft copy.

  • Scientific Method: Research procedures must end with a proper conclusion. Note variables and control samples with the level of importance: Are they correctly used? Is the need of usage verified? 

  • Environmental Solution: The project should come up with solutions that raise environmental awareness and encourage action-taking. The solution should address the environmental issue and lead to examples of applications to real life. Each applicant or team members should think about how applicable the solution actually is. 

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